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Community Partners & Project New Format, Collaborating for a Clean Future, Storm Safety Where we live, it’s easy to take the environment for granted. But the fact is, air pollution and poor water quality persists and we recognize the need to do our part to preserve and enhance the region’s communities for future generations. For information about our approach to sustainability, visit our Sustainability page ., Volunteerism, Improving our environment starts at the neighborhood level. Our employees volunteer their time each month for projects that need more boots on the ground. Our dedicated employees take pride in our community and aspire to be good neighbors through actions big and small. Green Team, Green Team, SDG&E has an active employee Green Team dedicated to various aspects of sustainability. Each year, they help organize initiatives targeted at improving environmental and sustainability awareness throughout the company. The Green Team organizes: The SDG&E Earth Fair Bike Anywhere Day Ride Share Day They also participate in SANDAG’s iCommute program and received Gold Tier recognition in 2018 for SDG&E’s efforts with carpooling, biking to work, transit, and electric vehicles. As a result of Green Team efforts, SDG&E also become a Bronze-Level Bike Friendly Business through the League of American Cyclists in 2018 to further promote sustainable transportation in the community., Environmental Champions, We’re proud of providing resources to nearly 100 environmental non-profit organizations to help them advance their mission to improve the environment. It’s not about charity, it’s about investing in the people and organizations that are making positive contributions to the environment. Learn more., Educating Youth about Climate Science - Climate Science Alliance, More than 200 organizations have joined the Climate Science Alliance and they receive training on how to interpret climate resiliency to different audiences. Through their Climate Kids program, Climate Science Alliance has reached more than 26,000 youth in 2018 alone. Their programs are actionable, giving people hope, and the tools to make a difference., Connecting Kids to the Ocean - Ocean Discovery Institute, Ocean Discovery Institute empowers young people from diverse backgrounds through science-based exploration of the ocean and the urban environment. In 2018 the Living Lab opened to the public, dramatically increasing the Institute’s capacity to provide meaningful environmental education to City Heights youth. Students that go through the Living Lab come away understanding the importance of clean water and recognizing that trash in their community will eventually make its way to the ocean through San Diego’s vast system of watersheds. We support these educational programs that inspire kids to dream big and pursue careers in ocean conservation, restoration ecology, and other similar fields, creating the next generation of conservation professionals., Reducing Food Waste - San Diego Food System Alliance, The San Diego Food System Alliance is working to develop and maintain an equitable, healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego County. Their projects focus on reducing food waste by promoting the best use for food surplus. San Diego County is home to more small-scale farm operations than anywhere else in the nation, and the Alliance is mobilizing those farmers to adopt carbon farming methods that will help to sequester carbon while producing local, nutritious food. We’re proud to support innovative GHG reduction efforts and waste reduction programs with the Alliance and their members., Community Partnerships, Clean water, clean air, clean energy, climate change, open space, and natural habitat – they’re all connected and they all have experts. We help activate these experts and convene regional dialogues, workshops, forums and conferences to develop well-rounded solutions to improve the environment. We also develop multi-faceted ongoing partnerships to encourage systems change that reduce impacts to our planet and our future., San Diego County Watershed Summit, The San Diego County Watershed Summit brings more than 300 stakeholders representing nonprofits, educators, regulators, utilities, municipalities, environmental agencies, water and wastewater districts, tribal leaders and other environmental advocates. We joined an advisory committee made up of local environmental leaders plan the annual Summit, highlighting successful environmental education programs; methodologies to furthering the protection, preservation, and enhancement of local ecosystems; and providing meaningful dialogue on San Diego’s environmental future. Professional people smiling Holding Hands with Sun in the background, San Diego Climate Summit, In March 2018, we joined local leaders and environmental experts gather for inaugural climate summit, hosted by Climate Science Alliance in partnership with Scripps Institution of Oceanography and SDG&E. San Diego is home to more than 200 threatened or endangered species, making it one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. With climate change impacting that biodiversity and our way of life, more than 200 individuals gathered for the inaugural San Diego Climate Summit. The summit provided an in-depth look at how climate change impacts our region’s environment by bringing together climatologists, ecologists, nonprofit and public agency staff, and tribal and business leaders. The Summit also previewed recently released research as part of California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, looking at the ecological impacts of climate change on San Diego as a biological hotspot. That full report can be viewed here ., American Lung Association , Poor air quality from pollution can have major health consequences, especially for small children and the elderly. In fact, the American Lung Association reports that air pollution leads to increased rates of asthma, urgent care visits and even hospitalization. That’s why the American Lung Association’s work has expanded from no smoking to a more holistic view of air quality and programs that have a positive effect on the air we breathe. Supporting the shift of the transportation sector to zero emission vehicles, like electric cars is a high priority for the American Lung Association and for SDG&E. People standing next to a car Many potted plants, Expanding San Diego's Tree Canopy, San Diego’s tree canopy is estimated at only 10 percent, yet our Climate Action Plan calls for 35 percent tree canopy coverage by 2035. SDG&E is supporting two organizations – the Balboa Park Conservancy and Tree San Diego in their efforts to plant trees and teach proper tree care to improve tree survival. Trees play an important role in our climate, providing shade and absorbing carbon. Our support has allowed the Balboa Park Conservancy to plant more trees in Balboa Park, an area that lost a significant number of trees during the recent drought. We’re also teaming up with Tree San Diego for their Terrific Trees program, educating youth about the importance of trees and teaching them valuable lessons in how to care for trees., Useful Links, Sustainability Understand our approach to sustainability and what we're doing to ensure a sustainable future.
Tree Pruning Guidelines, Tree Pruning Guidelines, Maintaining trees is an essential part of safe, efficient, and reliable energy, and it’s included with your SDG&E service. And it’s good for the environment, too., Leave It to SDG&E, Pruning trees near electrical power lines is dangerous and should be performed by a qualified professional, which is why we use professional contractors trained to prune trees near power lines. Besides being dangerous, it’s against the law (per California Penal Code 385 ) to attempt pruning trees near power lines yourself., How We Prunes Trees, SDG&E prunes trees to industry and arboricultural standards in accordance with the American National Standards Institute , International Society of Arboriculture , and the National Arbor Day Foundation ., Benefits of directional pruning techniques, Trees maintain a natural shape Reduction of weak branch re-growth. Allows for proper healing of injured trees Reduces frequency of pruning, Pruning Clearances, Our contractors trim with the goal of having the pruned trees meet clearance requirements for at least one annual pruning cycle. Clearances established at the time of pruning are based on several factors, including: Species Growth potential Tree position relative to the power lines Pruning history Local site conditions. Potential for tree and wind sway Potential for line sag If you have a question or concern regarding trees near SDG&E facilities, please contact us at 800-411-7343 .
Whenmatters-es, Planes de energía para cada estilo de vida, La forma en que utiliza energía le ayudará a elegir qué plan se adapta más a su estilo de vida. Cuando se trata de planes de precios, tiene opciones. Obtenga más información sobre cada plan a continuación para encontrar la mejor opción para usted y su hogar. Compare los planes para ver las opciones una al lado de la otra. English TOU hero Spanish, Planes tarifarios según el Horario de Uso, Con los planes según el Horario de Uso, puede ahorrar aún más en su factura de electricidad al hacer pequeños cambios en cómo y cuándo consume energía. Estos pequeños cambios no solo le brindan otra forma de ahorrar dinero, sino que también garantizarán que todos seamos más inteligentes sobre el consumo de energía haciendo un mejor uso de las fuentes de energía más limpias y renovables, como la eólica y la solar, cuando estén más disponibles., Plan tarifario TOU-DR1 , TOU-DR1 Pricing Plan El plan tarifario TOU-DR1 tiene tres horarios con diferentes tarifas y ofrece ahorros en el consumo de energía fuera de las horas pico de 4 p. m. a 9 p. m., así como durante las noches y los fines de semana. Con tres períodos de tiempo, tiene aún más formas de ahorrar: TOU-DR1 horarios y tarifas DR1 Spanish Pricing Chart , $, Súper no pico, $$, No pico, $$$, Pico, De lunes a viernes 12 a.m. – 6 a.m. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. March and April 6 a.m. – 4 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. Fines de semana y días festivos 12 a.m. – 2 p.m. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. 4 p.m. – 9 p.m., Nivel 1, Hasta 130% de asignación inicial 36 ¢ 38 ¢ 44 ¢, Nivel 2, > 130% asignación inicial 46 ¢ 48 ¢ 55 ¢ Tarifas vigentes desde el 1 de enero de 2022 Las tarifas descritas aquí se han redondeado con fines ilustrativos. Visite 'Tarifas eléctricas totales' para obtener programas de tarifas completos y detalles adicionales de los planes tarifarios. *Estas tarifas se basan en su asignación inicial. Más información sobre la asignación de referencia. *Días festivos: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day., Plan tarifario TOU-DR2, TOU-DR2 Pricing Plan El plan tarifario TOU-DR2 es más sencillo ya que ofrece dos horarios con diferentes tarifas. Ahorre fuera de las horas pico de 4:00 p. m. a 9:00 p. m. todos los días. TOU-DR2 horarios y tarifas TOU-DR2 Spanish Pricing Plan , $$, No pico, $$$, Pico, Todos los días 12 a.m. – 4 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. 4 p.m. – 9 p.m., Nivel 1, Hasta 130% de asignación inicial 37 ¢ 44 ¢, Nivel 2, > 130% de asignación inicial 47¢ 55 ¢ Tarifas vigentes desde el 1 de enero de 2022 Las tarifas descritas aquí se han redondeado con fines ilustrativos. Visite 'Tarifas eléctricas totales' para obtener programas de tarifas completos y detalles adicionales de los planes tarifarios. *Estas tarifas se basan en su asignación inicial. Más información sobre la asignación de referencia., Plan tarifario TOU-DR-P , TOU DR-P El plan TOU-DR-P es similar al plan TOU-DR1 ya que ofrece tres horarios con diferentes tarifas. La diferencia es que este plan tiene un componente llamado “Reduce Your Use” (Reduzca su uso). Este mismo es un evento en donde se le puede pedir que conserve energía para ayudar al medio ambiente y la red eléctrica., Aviso Público, El 1 de junio de 2022, la hora del día del evento "Reduce Your Use" (Reduzca su uso) cambiará al horario de 4 p. m. a 9 p. m. TOU-DR-P horarios y tarifas TOU DRP Spanish , $, Súper no pico, $$, No pico, $$$, Pico, $$$$, Día de Reduce Your Use (RYU), De lunes a viernes 12 a.m. – 6 a.m. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Marzo y abril 6 a.m. – 4 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. Fines de semana y días festivos 12 a.m. – 2 p.m. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. Día de Reduce Your Use $1.16*, Nivel 1, Hasta 130% de asignación inicial 36 ¢ 37 ¢ 44 ¢ , Nivel 2, > 130% de asignación inicial 46 ¢ 48 ¢ 54¢ Tarifas vigentes desde el 1 de enero de 2022 Las tarifas descritas aquí se han redondeado con fines ilustrativos. Visite 'Tarifas eléctricas totales' para obtener programas de tarifas completos y detalles adicionales de los planes tarifarios. *Estas tarifas se basan en su asignación inicial. Más información sobre la asignación de referencia. *Días festivos: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day., Los días “Reduce Your Use” (RYU), se pueden activar cuando el consumo de energía y la demanda en la red son altos. El sumador RYU ($1.16) es un cargo adicional que se facturará a los clientes de 2:00 p. m. a 6:00 p. m. durante un día RYU. El sumador RYU no es aplicable durante los días que no son de RYU. En este plan, es importante inscribirse para alertas, para que sepa cuándo conservar energía si se activa un día RYU. Se pueden activar hasta 18 eventos RYU por año. De ser así, se le pedirá que conserve energía entre las 2 p. m. y las 6 p. m., cuando la demanda de energía y tarifas son más altas., Plan tarifario Estándar (no Horario de Uso), Con un plan fuera del horario de uso, cuanto menos consume, menos pagará, sin importar la hora del día. Este plan puede adaptarse a los hogares que consumen menos energía u aquellos que prefieren ahorrar sin tomar en cuenta la hora del día., Plan tarifario Estándar DR , Standard DR Plan Cuanta menos energía consuma, menos pagará, a cualquier hora del día o de la noche. Standard DR horarios y tarifas En el plan Standard DR, cada período de facturación comienza en el Nivel 1 con la energía de menor precio. Si consume más energía más allá de su http://t4u7.images-collector.com/baseline-allowance-calculator asignación inicial asignada, su tarifa aumenta a Nivel 2 para el resto del ciclo de facturación., Tarifas vigentes, Standard DR Plan Spanish 400% de asignación inicial 49 ¢ Nivel 2 > 130% de asignación inicial 49 ¢ Nivel 1 Hasta 130% de asignación inicial 39 ¢ Las tarifas descritas aquí se han redondeado con fines ilustrativos. Visite 'Tarifas eléctricas totales' para obtener programas de tarifas completos y detalles adicionales de los planes tarifarios. , Compare planes tarifarios, Características del plan, TOU-DR1, TOU-DR2, TOU-DR-P, Standard (DR), Dos maneras de ahorrar: conservando energía y cambiando su consumo ✓ ✓ ✓ Horario pico de 4 p. m. y 9 p. m. ✓ ✓ ✓ Tres horarios que incluyen aún más ahorros durante el horario súper no pico, fines de semanas y días festivos ✓ ✓ Dos horarios con diferentes tarífas todos los días ✓ Incluye días "Reduce Your Use" ✓ Tarifa no cambia con la hora del día ✓ Incluye Asignación Inicial ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓, Personalice su plan y ahorre aún más , EcoChoice, ¿Busca formas de reducir su huella de carbono? EcoChoice® le permite comprar hasta el 100% de su energía de fuentes renovables., Visitar página de EcoChoice, , Pago Nivelado, Disponible con la mayoría de los planes tarifarios, el Plan de Pago Nivelado (Level Pay) ayuda a igualar los cambios estacionales para darle una factura más consistente., Visitar página de Pago Nivelado, Consejos de ahorro, Consejos de eficiencia energética para ayudarle a ahorrar aún más., Visitar página de ahorros, Regístrese en My Energy Center
Powerline and Pole Safety, Powerline and Pole Safety, Our pole brush program is a year-round effort to remove brush from the base of wood poles supporting power lines that may cause fires. Poles with certain equipment such as fuses, switches, arrestors, and certain connectors are required to have a firebreak of ten feet or more in each direction., 3 Steps to Clearing Brush, We have a three-tiered keep poles clear of vegetation all year, per state law requirements., Herbicides:, From November through February vegetation around poles is cleared and treated with a safe herbicide to prevent re-growth., Mechanical Brushing:, From March through June, vegetation around subject poles that were not treated with herbicides are mechanically cleared., Mechanical Re-clearing:, All poles that are not treated with herbicides are visited again during July through October for re-clearing. Exemptions to clearing wood poles If the vegetation around the pole is watered with fixed irrigation, and/or maintained such as a lawn, or a garden, the pole does not require a firebreak., Utility Pole Inspection and Maintenance, Regular wood utility pole inspections are conducted to test the safety and integrity of power poles, per CPUC General Order 165. All poles are given a visual above-ground inspection, which includes sounding techniques to identify interior defects. Poles are drilled at a 45-degree angle to check for interior voids caused by insects or decay. The number of drilled holes depends on the height and class of the pole. After inspection, each hole is plugged to prevent the entry of insects or corrosives. Poles older than 15 years of age undergo a more extensive inspection to check for oxygen and water corrosion. For additional information, call us at 800-411-7343 .
Working with SDG&E, smiling construction worker, Working with SDG&E, New to SDG&E? Get the information and tools you need for stress-free project application and tracking, for new or existing properties of all sizes. Existing Service Changes New Construction Services If the property already has a meter and you're doing a renovation or upgrade that significantly changes its electrical or gas power needs — for example, installing a swimming pool or upgrading the HVAC system — you'll apply for a change to existing service. If you will be adding square footage, changing the footprint, or increasing heights be aware of potential encroachments to SDG&E facilities or easements. Residential Request a change or upgrade of electrical or gas at a residential location — single-family home, apartment, or condominium — that already has a meter., Electrical:, Existing electrical service requests may include relocation, removal, service upgrade/rewiring, temporary service, or overhead-to-underground conversion., Gas:, Existing gas service requests may include relocation, removal, fuel cell, meter upgrade, temporary service, or conversion of propane to natural gas. Quick Links Apply for Service Project Resources Builder Portal (project tracking) Commercial Request a change or upgrade of electrical or gas at a nonresidential location — one that is used for business, commercial, agricultural, institutional, and/or industrial purposes — that already has a meter., Electrical:, Existing electrical service requests may include relocation, removal, service upgrade/rewiring, temporary service, or overhead-to-underground conversion., Gas:, Existing gas service requests may include relocation, removal, fuel cell, meter upgrade, temporary service, or conversion of propane to natural gas. Quick Links Apply for Service Project Resources Builder Portal (project tracking) If you're working on new construction that does not have a meter and requires electric (overhead or underground) or gas line installations, you'll apply for new service. If you will be adding square footage, changing the footprint, or increasing heights be aware of potential encroachments to SDG&E facilities or easements. Residential Request new electrical or gas service at a residential location — single-family home, apartment, or condominium — that does not currently have a meter., Electrical:, New overhead or underground electrical installations, Gas:, New gas service Quick Links Apply for Service Project Resources Builder Portal (project tracking) Commercial Request new electrical or gas service at a location used for business, commercial, agricultural, institutional, and/or industrial purposes, a new residential subdivision, or a new mixed-use structure., Electrical:, New overhead or underground electrical installations, Gas:, New gas service Quick Links Apply for Service Project Resources Builder Portal (project tracking), Checklists, Get a quick overview of the planning, design, and construction process for new electric and gas projects, plus tips for keeping your project on track. 1.34 MB PDF Checklist for Developers and Builders - English - Brochure Checklist for Developers and Builders - English - Brochure 1.35 MB PDF Checklist for Developers and Builders - Spanish - Brochure Checklist for Developers and Builders - Spanish - Brochure 100.85 KB PDF Checklist for Developers and Builders – English/Spanish – Fact Sheet Checklist for Developers and Builders – English/Spanish – Fact Sheet, A Brand-New Builder Guide, Your start-to-finish guide to the new service planning and construction process, including Introduction to SDG&E Builder Services and service area details Answers to builders' most frequently asked questions Step-by-step guide to completing a new project from application through construction, including details on applying for permits, working with your SDG&E Service Coordinator/Planner, scheduling trench inspections, and much more Links to key online resources, including standards and manuals Builder Services Guide - English Builder Services Guide - English Tags large scale construction project service and meter request form trench desk